How to publish my site with the help of Adobe Golive ? Print

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Uploading with Adobe

Microsoft Frontpage Users

Customers with Microsoft Frontpage extensions installed on their sites should
use only the Frontpage publishing feature to transfer files. Using regular FTP
can corrupt the extensions, disabling the functionality of the Frontpage web and
requiring that the site be deleted to reinstall the extensions.

  1. After you have
    built your web site and are ready to upload the files to your server, open
    Adobe Golive and open your web site.


  2. Go to the
    menu, and select FTP Upload/Download


  3. The FTP
    Upload & Download
    window will open. Here you must configure several items.

    Server: This is, where is your actual
    domain name

    This is the initial directory that should be opened by the FTP
    program. Generally this is left blank.

    User Name:
    This is the userID assigned to you by ACCU Webhosting

    This is the password that you designated in your Hosting
    Controller Control Panel.


  4. Next, click
    the Connect button


  5. The FTP
    Upload and Download
    window is currently overlapping your web site files
    window. To upload files to your server, it is necessary for both windows to be
    visible. You can make this happen by minimizing each window.


  6. Next, drag
    your selection from the Files window to the FTP window


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