How to configure smartFTP to upload my site ? Print

  • 1563

Configuring Smart
FTP Software

Microsoft Frontpage Users

Customers with Microsoft Frontpage extensions installed on their sites should use only the Frontpage publishing feature to transfer files. Using regular FTP can corrupt the extensions, disabling the functionality of the Frontpage web and requiring that the site be deleted to reinstall the extensions.

    1. Open Smart FTP.

    1. In the Address field type your domain name or IP address.

    1. In the Login field type your user name.

    1. In the Passwordfield type your password and click the Enter key on your keyboard.

    1. When the software has connected to your account, a new window will open and you need to click on the icon.

    1. A local browser window will appear.

    1. You are then ready to move files from your computer to your hosting account. First, browse to the directory on your computer where your web site files are located. Next, drag and drop your files to their appropriate server location.

    1. To terminate your session, click the
      icon to disconnect

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