How to use Dundas Mailer? Print

  • 848

A. Sending an Email with the color=red>QuickSend Method


1  . color=royalblue><%
2  . Dim objMailer
'Mailer control
3  . Set objMailer = color=rosybrown>Server.CreateObject("Dundas.Mailer")

4  . objMailer.QuickSend href='","","Subject",'>","","Subject","MailBody"

. objMailer.SendMail
6  . color=red>Set objMailer = Nothing
7  . color=royalblue>%>


Explanation According to Line

1  . Open ASP

2  . color=black>Declare a variable named objMailer

3  . Create
instance of Mailer control

4  . Send email

5  . Reset variable to nothing

6  . Close ASP



B. Sending an Email with the color=red>SendMail Method

1  .
2  . Dim objMailer
'Mailer control
3  . Set objMailer = color=rosybrown>Server.CreateObject("Dundas.Mailer")

4  . objMailer.TOs.Add " href="">"
5  .
objMailer.FromAddress = " href="">"
6  .
objMailer.Subject = "Subject"
7  . objMailer.Body = "This is the body."

8  . objMailer.SendMail
9  .
Set objMailer = Nothing
10. color=royalblue>%> 


Explanation According to Line

1     . Open ASP

2     .
Declare a variable named objMailer

3     . Create
instance of Mailer control

4 -7 . Set Mailer control properties and collection items

8     . Send Mail

9     . Reset variable to nothing

10   . Close ASP



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