How to: Deploy WebMatrix web based application using Web Deploy Method Print

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This article is about to deploy your web based application using Web Deploy method in WebMatrix. Before we proceed further with detailed steps, take a look at what is web deploy and WebMatrix,-

Web Deploy is an extensible client server tool provided by Microsoft that significantly make easier the migration and deployment of Web based Applications and Websites. Most of the developers are using this facility to sync compiled web based Applications which are made with developer tools such as Web Matrix, Visual Studio etc. to run on Internet Information Services.
WebMatrix is a free web development tool offered by Microsoft that allows everything for Website Development. It is a fully IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for building Web based Applications/Websites.
WebMatrix provides the following features:

  • Easy way to create, publish and migrate Websites/Applications.

  • Highlight the structure of HTML5, CSS3, TypeScript and JavaScript.

  • Used to edit server side scripting language such as PHP, ASP.Net etc.

  • It supports Syntactically Awesome Stylesheets, Leaner CSS, jQuery Mobile touch-optimized web framework, jQuery cross-platform JavaScript library.

  • MySQL, MS SQL Server, SQL CE - Database manager.

  • Transfer files with the aid of Web Deploy/FTP methods.

Following are steps to deploy Web Application using Microsoft WebMatrix:

  1. First, open your Web Application in Microsoft WebMatrix.

  2. From the Home tab, click on Publish option.

  3. Select Enter settings option.

  4. Set the values in the Public Settings dialog box. Have a look at the following screenshot:


Following is the description of the settings you should set in Publish Settings wizard:
  1. Select Web Deploy option from the drop down menu of the Protocol.

  2. Enter relevant server name :

If your Hosting plan is Windows 2008 - ASP.Net Lite, Windows 2008 - ASP.Net Business or Windows 2008 - ASP.Net Enterprise, enter following value as your server name:
If your Hosting plan is ASP.Net Lite 2012, ASP.Net Business 2012 or ASP.Net Enterprise 2012, enter following value as your server name:
  1. Enter your FTP Username.

  2. Enter your FTP Password.

  3. Enter the name of your Website which you wish to deploy.

  4. Enter the name of your Domain name/Application name where you wish to deploy your web based application.

For Example:<Application Name>
  1. If you wish to save your password, then check Save password option.

  2. Click on Validate Connection Button to check the connection.

  3. If it will be connected successfully, then click on Publish.

  4. Once you click on Publish, one dialog box will display. The list of all files presents under your project will be displayed. If you do not wish to upload any file or database, then uncheck it and click on Continue.

Now, your website is configured successfully. At the footer, the
URL of your website will display. Click on that URL to visit your website on Browser.

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